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Crazy to Know


I sit here by this roaring oak fire,

Wood sparks flying,

I say to fire,

“I would like to introduce myself,

I am “Crazy to Know”.

And I have been “Crazy to Know” for as long as I can remember.

My endless child curiosity as I sat on the edge of my bed,

Small, lanky legs dangling down,

Praying to my unknown secret God, “Please, I want to know everything”.

And now, I sit here by this blazing fire in my Crone wisdom years,

Still “Crazy to Know”.

I pray to gentle wind that is curling my hair,

“Please wind, share your wisdom with me.


Soft wind kisses my cold body,

And the wind says,


So I feed the fire,

And say,

“Please, fire, share your wisdom with me”.

Fire warmth hugs my core,

And fire says,


And I pray to damp New England soil,

Soil holds my feet tenderly,

And soil says,


My mind drifts into the cricket songs,

What is this crazy burning to know that keeps me up at night?

I am surely not this crazy constant questioning?

I feel my heart’s passion to know open heavy,

And then I exhale,

The depth of my exhale could have passed me without notice,

Yet, I am struck by a fantasy soft hand that pushes my spine ever so slightly upright.

Fire, soil, wind spiral closer and closer.

“Crazy to Know” falls deeper and deeper within,

Breathless Silence, nothingness.

A flash of remembrance comes.

Who would have thunk?

Am I this breathless silence, this breathless nothingness?

Oh well. Perhaps when I am old and gray, huddled over, I will settle in,

And stop my crazy questioning.

Perhaps I will become the Satisfied One,

Or will I?

if you are Graced to Know,

Please contact Crazy to Know as soon as possible…

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